What is Vegetable-Tanned leather?

vegetable-tanned cowhide

Vegetable-tanned leather is obtained from processing raw animal skins through the use of shredded plant rinds, rich in tannins, to which water is added, and then the hides are left to soak. The tanning substances are slowly fixed to the leather fibers during the vegetable tanning process to obtain a rot-proof material. This special processing makes vegetable leather versatile and suitable for customization and hand finishing.

Vegetable tanning is the oldest and has prehistoric origins, unlike chrome tanning which is much more recent. Vegetable tanned leather belongs to the category of ecological leathers as it is characterized by the use of only natural substances as tanning agents. For this reason, it is not harmful to humans and the environment.

Vegetable-tanned leather is a classic artisan production technique that mixes tradition and technological innovation; from this combination comes naturally fine and ecological leather.

On our website adagiocreativeworkshop.com, you will find handmade leather goods with top-graded vegetable-tanned leather from Italy, 100% made in Hong Kong, in meaningful, timeless designs.

*We give 10% profit to Christian ministries to help spread the Gospel.

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